Assetlife Alliance
Our Technologies
Assetlife Alliance
Our Technologies
Leading edge technology is designed to keep pipelines operating in prime condition and extend their lifecycle. Determining this condition means not only identifying potential failures, but also detecting them long before they threaten the integrity of the pipeline.
Multifunctional inspection technology is used to accurately determine the condition of pipelines, including detection of corrosion, leaks, cracking, flow variations and pressure testing. Powerful data analysis software investigates and reports on material changes, blockages, energy consumption, stress zones, distortion and much more. Geospatial artificial intelligence communicates network prioritisation with cloud-based monitoring.
The use of technology continues to provide new opportunities for the pipeline industry to integrate data, process and solutions to protect assets and allow for informed decisions about when, where and how to allocate resources and guarantee delivery of essential services.
We are committed to helping water network operators control pressures and optimise their services including resilience, asset management, leakage and water quality in order to keep their customers supplied.
Our consultancy covers a wide variety of areas including hydraulic transient analysis, network modelling (both offline and real-time), mathematical optimisation for network control and security of telemetry systems, data and devices.
Reservoir inspections are often difficult and require human entry which can result in safety and health risks. ROV technology as an alternative method of cleaning and inspection of tanks, reservoirs and dams, eliminating access issues and reducing the risk of turbidity.
Using our purpose built ROVs we provide a more innovative way of inspection and cleaning, with no shutdown of assets or confined space entry required.
p-CATTM is a non-invasive, non-destructive technology for performing pipe condition assessment. p-CATTM can determine remaining wall thicknesses over long sections (many kilometres) of pipeline as well as detect and locate defects such as air and gas pockets, internal blockages and restrictions, unknown connections, pipe material changes and cement matric loss from AC pipes.
The patented smart-CATTM tool is a highly specialised technology used to specifically identify and size individual defects by external inspection.
smart-CATTM utilizes a high resolution, non-destructive, non-intrusive technology that identifies and sizes pipe wall corrosion defects. The assessment process includes the precise measurement of remaining wall thickness, predicting the likelihood of failure, current condition and remaining life of the pipe.
SCT is a non-invasive pipeline inspection survey based on Stress Concentration Tomography (SCT). SCT collects the magnetic data of a target pipeline and then analyses it for self-magnetic-flux leakages in the pipeline wall, which are known as Stress Concentration Zones (SCZs).
Using this information, integrity managers can then make informed decisions regarding the safe operation of their pipelines.
Nautilus is an innovative solution for leak detection in pressurised large-diameter pipelines, which carries out unattended inspection of kilometres of pipeline per day.
The system is based on a small diameter sphere inserted into the pipeline through an existing air valve without impacting the normal operation of the pipeline. The data is then collected, extracted and analysised.
Leak detection forms a critical part of condition assessment for all water utilities and asset managers. inSCAN® is a sophisticated approach to internal, under pressure, long range leak detection and condition assessment for large diameter pipelines.
It is specially designed to overcome the common difficulties that are associated with detecting leaks and ascertaining pipeline condition on larger diameter pipes.
Utilising multi sensor inspection (MSI) technology enables comprehensive condition assessment on mid to large diameter pipes. Within these pipes, conditions can be unpredictable. Many of the conditions that plague dry or partially full pipelines are very difficult to diagnose using purely visual inspection.
Determining levels of deformation, corrosion, and debris can assist with planning cost-effective maintenance and rehabilitation.
NO-DES is an innovative and effective way of cleaning water mains with virtually no loss of water. It delivers a cost effective solution to traditional methods of cleaning water mains. It is self contained, requires no shutdown of the water supply and minimal disturbance to customers.
This innovative technology increases customer confidence, reduces operational costs and conserves water and environmental discharge.
Knowing the chemical and structural strength of pipeline materials is crucial to pipeline stability. We offer a cutting edge imaging service using a variety of differing techniques which includes a 3D non destructive imaging for any material sample and size.
With the information generated a 3D density heat map can be developed to determine the structural condition of the pipeline material.
itracking® breaks through the “Performance Barrier” by making unintelligent wastewater infrastructure a thing of the past.
Cities and wastewater utilities now have the ability to incorporate a 24/7 window into the operating characteristics of their underground asset. By layering itracking® technology on top of GIS-centric asset management platforms, wastewater administration, engineering and maintenance teams are provided unlimited access to real-time data.
Using Kando® offers enhanced visibility on the status of sewage networks by deploying 24×7 online monitoring, alerting in real time of pollution events and automated sampling of the discharged substance.
This strategic approach offers an end to end solution for wastewater management. It enables customers to better monitor and manage their sewage and wastewater network, while significantly reducing OPEX and future CAPEX.
Buried pipelines often operate in a state of anonymity. A condition assessment programs allows for a comprehensive understanding for pipeline conditions and is a critical component in asset management.
The ePulse® condition assessment solution can identify the condition of both distribution and transmission mains, while simultaneously searching for leaks, all without the need for large excavations or service disruptions.